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Online News Reading

News Orgs, Time To Get Personal.

What if News Marketed Like Brands? 
Doing News Differently is Your Edge.

Acquire Audience By Understanding Interests, Personalizing Stories & Delivering Content Effectively. 

AA Relationship Marketing for News_edite
News Cameras

News Isn't One Size Fits All: Understand Your Audience As Individuals

The days of deciding what stories matter to everyone are long-gone. So, don't lose them with an unwanted headline.


Learn about your audience's wants and then turn heightened interest into revenue.

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Own Your Audience

Marketing budgets are limited in news and the heydays of organic reach on social media are over.


Move your audience off social and on to channels you OWN. 

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Audience Laughing

Powerful Newsletters With Personalized Content

One newsletter for everyone? 



Customize content in a simple fashion to serve up stories that matter to your subscribers.


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News Done Differently

News orgs that develop a personalization strategy by collecting zero-party data are learning more and more about their audiences at a record pace. It's a new way of thinking for long-term strategy and success instead of adopting an ad-driven approach. Boost your content with cutting-edge mix of technique & technology. 

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