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Elevate Your Brand Through Relationship Marketing

Your Brand is Unique.
So is Your Audience.

Consumers expect brands to understand them as individuals.

It's key to winning business and long-term loyalty.


Audience Approach helps you acquire, engage and retain your audience through

next-level personalization to deliver higher customer lifetime value.


We Know Exactly What Consumers Expect From The Brands They Love.

Stats from Marigold 2023 Consumer Trends Index

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Understand Consumers'

True Wants and Needs.

Use our techniques & technology to collect psychographic data to learn about your current customers and acquire new contacts.


It's all about an intelligent value exchange and personalized product offers.

Use Existing Marketing Budgets To Increase Revenue.

Your current marketing budgets could be working smarter for you.


Acquire new audience and engage them on the channels you own and control. 

Woman Texting

Don't Assume.

Listen and Personalize.

Your customer-base will share what you need to know when asked the right way.


Use valuable zero-party data to target the right audience at the right time.


Build a Database

Own your audience instead of renting ads and borrowing eyes elsewhere.

Collect purchase intent

Collect true purchase intent data from individuals.

Know who will buy what & why.


Use email, SMS, & Ads (if you want) to personalize offers that are relevant and meaningful.

Forget cookies

Stop worrying that cookies  are going away. Master and own

everlasting connections.

We Deliver (Measurable) Results.

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What Does Audience Approach Do Differently?

Audience Approach provides relationship marketing strategies through a blend of services and technology that lowers marketing costs while driving measurable revenue. 


  • Adopt an 'always on' strategy to acquire and retain versus firing up campaigns at whim.

  • Use zero-party data to personalize your communications and ads.

  • Know more about your competitor’s customers than they do.

  • See higher ROI on paid efforts and earn the ability to engage directly with consumers.

  • Spend less on paid ads long-term.

  • Work with an agency that gives you the playbook so you can take it & run.



Let's Talk! 

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We integrate seamlessly into your existing marketing efforts and budgets.

Disrupting your existing marketing plans isn't necessary. We can integrate into your existing marketing channels to provide clear ROI on your current efforts.

Or, shake it up.

We can guide you to start a new kind of  data collection that can be used over & over to drive measurable results and increase sales. 

Any of these true for you?

  • I have no idea which marketing efforts actually drive sales. 

  • Our social media reach is unreliable and I have no way to track real sales. 

  • We're using the same ad channels/tactics our competitors use. 

  • My paid media reports are metrics that lack true customer insight.


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